Sunday, November 05, 2006

The New Successful Lawyer

If you are not a lawyer, you are likely unaware that top law schools are desperate to admit blacks and hispanics as students. Like most of academia, law schools are run by Leftists. More specifically, the schools are run by guilty-feeling, politically corrected whites and aggressive, power-hungry racist minorities. The inevitable outcome of this distasteful combination is the elevation of "diversity" to the status of religious faith, with the notable absence of anything holy or sublime about it.

Unlike the traditional notion of "diversity" for which universities used to be known -- freedom of inquiry and discussion, a "diversity" of ideas -- the new "diversity" is all about mandating one particular worldview that seeks to relegate whites to second class (and preferably criminal) status. The new "diversity" insists that all whites are racist oppressors, all minorities are victims, and all whites must make reparations for their racist past. (Of course, no whites alive today were alive when slavery was abolished, but why bring up an inconvenient fact like that? It's so ... unhelpful to the cause.) In other words, "diversity" is an inherently racist doctrine.

Making the new "diversity" the highest moral value has had several effects. One effect is to denigrate the views of whites, and especially white males. Since all white males are, by definition, evil oppressors, "diversity" insists that their opinions are, by definition, illegitimate.

Another more obvious effect is racial quotas. The law schools are stupendously sensitive to the number of minority students they have, and are terrified of being criticized for not having enough of them (if they don't have enough, then they're not "diverse", and we all know what THAT means: they must be racists. And as we all know from our suicidal policy of refusing to profile muslims at airports, it's better to be murdered than be accused of being racist). Thus, to avoid this most dire of criticisms, and to flaunt their servile devotion to "diversity", the law schools have long had specific numerical goals for minority students admitted.

Ahh, but here's the rub: blacks and hispanics, on the whole, score lower on standardized tests (like the LSAT, the Law School Admission Test) than whites and asians. (Please don't clog my blog with knee-jerk accusations of racism -- I'm not saying that blacks and hispanics are genetically inferior, I'm simply reciting a well-known fact about test scores. If you want to find out why the test scores turn out this way, I highly recommend Black Rednecks and White Liberals by the brilliant Thomas Sowell.) This is a terrible problem for the top-tier law schools (and later for top-tier law firms, but that's a story for another day). They are committed to admitting more blacks and hispanics, but they can't find nearly enough who are QUALIFIED. What does "qualified" mean? What makes the top-tier law schools top tier is very high admissions standards. Although law schools examine college grades, they rely most heavily on LSAT scores. Indeed, they have to. Otherwise, how would they prove that they really are top tier?

So how do law schools solve this problem? Easily, it turns out. They simply admit blacks and hispanics who are less qualified than the whites and asians that they admit. But how to accomplish this, in light of the United States Supreme Court's decision in Bakke in the 1970's that outlawed actual quotas? Again, easily. The Supreme Court gave a wink and a nod to "diversity" by explicitly allowing schools to consider factors other than academic qualifications.

But this did not stop the law schools from employing quotas, which are much easier to administer than going through the hassle of making up phony reasons to justify admitting less qualified applicants. Shockingly, in the mid-1990's, the federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR) found that the University of California at Berkeley law school was running an illegal quota system for admitting students. (This was shocking for two reasons: first, the OCR is not exactly a white-friendly government agency. Second, this occurred during the Clinton administration.) With the usual liberal arrogance that permits them to ignore laws they don't like because they know they are morally superior, the Berkeley law school was actually running two completely separate admissions systems: one for whites and asians, and another for blacks and hispanics. As you can probably guess by now, the primary difference between these two admission systems was the admission standards. The admission standards for whites and asians was significantly higher than for blacks and asians. In fact, the standards were so far apart that in some years, the highest ranked black or hispanic applicant would not have made the cut under the white/asian admission system. Since this was indisputably a quota system, the OCR had no choice but to find the Berkeley law school in violation of the law, and demand that it change its admission practices.

End of story, right? Not so fast, grasshopper. You are forgetting about the overweening arrogance of the Lefties who run law schools. After the OCR found the Berkeley law school in violation of the law (ironic, no?), the Dean of the law school sent the most astonishing letter to alumni. The letter first explained that the law school had been found to be operating an illegal quota system. Then, the Dean assured the alumni that -- not to worry! -- with a few minor tweaks to the admission procedures, the law school would be able to continue admitting the same number of blacks and hispanics! In other words, the Berkeley law school would continue to operate an illegal quota system, but they would just disguise it better.

The truly remarkable aspect of this letter was not that the liberals would continue to ignore the law, but that they would be so open about it, and broadcast their criminal intentions to the world. With the typical liberal assumption that everyone who matters thinks exactly the way they do, the Berkeley law school simply assumed that it was preaching to the choir. (If you've read Ann Coulter's Godless, you'll realize that this metaphor is all kinds of ironic.)

Apparently their efforts were not as successful as they wished. The "diversity" czars continue their racist endeavors unabated. In furtherance of the sacred goal of racial quotas, the two most highly-rated law schools in the San Francisco Bay Area sent the following email recently, which is followed by my analysis of it.

From: Prof. Shultz and Dean Edley []
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006
To: **************
Subject: Important Research: Beyond the LSAT

Dear ************,

We invite you to participate in vital research to create a new type of law school admission test. We need your help for the final and most critical stage in this research. Unless large numbers of volunteers participate, this opportunity to improve admission practices will be lost.

RESEARCH GOAL: Current admission methods try to predict who will get good grades in law school. Our new tests try to predict who will be effective as a lawyer. Evaluating a wider range of job-oriented qualifications should help both to select better lawyers and to increase racial diversity using merit-based and non race-conscious factors in choosing among applicants.


CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL WORK STRENGTHS AND SHORTCOMINGS: Optional. If you choose, it would come only to you, immediately, by email.
MCLE CREDIT OPTION: Completion of the test and self-evaluation allows two units of general self-study credit. Linked reading and quiz allows one "elimination of bias" self-study credit.
To take the test, go to Please submit your responses within two weeks of receiving this email. We thank you in advance for your participation.

Your unique UserID is: ********
Your Password is: ***********

Retain your personal UserID and password to return to the website after interruption.

TIME REQUIRED: The test is online, and should take two hours or less. You may enter and leave the website as needed, but completing the entire test is very important to research outcomes.

CONFIDENTIALITY OF DATA: Information we obtain from or about you is for research purposes only and will be kept confidential. (Nothing will be shared with employers or schools.) The online consent form provides more details.

Chris Edley, Jr. Dean
Marjorie Shultz, Professor and Co-Investigator
Boalt Hall School of Law

Shauna Marshall
Academic Dean
Hastings College of the Law

Among those urging your participation in this research are:

Thelton Henderson, Senior Judge, U.S.D.C.
Cruz Reynoso, Justice, California Supreme Court (ret); Professor, King Hall, of Law, U.C. Davis
Joan Haratani, President, BASF; Partner, Morgan, Lewis
Kamala Harris, District Attorney, San Francisco
Andrew Giacomini, Managing Partner, Hanson, Bridgett
Maria Blanco, Executive Director, Lawyers' Committee, San Francisco

If you would like more information before deciding, visit


My Analysis

This is absurd. Apparently, we are supposed to accept that the traditional indicators of success -- high test scores and high grades -- just don't predict who will be successful as a lawyer. As if intelligence and diligence are irrelevant to understanding the law and creating coherent arguments. Perhaps they believe that the ability to slam dunk a basketball or salsa dance is a better predictor of success in the legal profession.

This is my favorite part: "Evaluating a wider range of job-oriented qualifications should help both to select better lawyers and to increase racial diversity using merit-based and non race-conscious factors in choosing among applicants."

What pathetically contradictory nonsense. (a) we're trying to "increase racial diversity", but (b) we're only going to use "NON RACE-CONSCIOUS factors". Nope, no contradiction there. Nothing to see folks, just move along. So bottom-line, this whole project is ostensibly based on the assumptions that (1) there are "merit based" factors that are more common to non-white, non-asian races (otherwise crediting those factors would not increase the percentages for those races), (2) intelligence (test scores) and hard work (grades) are more common to whites and asians, and (3) intelligence and hard work are less common among non-whites and non-asians. Of course, if I were to point out publicly that these are the assumptions that logically underlie their stated effort, I would be called a racist. Yup, I'm a racist for identifying racist thought in liberals.

And note the really nice Communist touch: they offer Continuing Legal Education credit for "elimination of bias" if you cooperate with this racist effort! It's 1984 again.

They should just drop the pretense and simply advocate the murder of all white males, which would neatly solve their problem of the illegality of racial quotas. Unfortunately, it wouldn't work, because Asian males would simply fill the spaces left by the dead white males, so they would need to be eliminated as well. Actually, since certain groups score significantly lower on average than certain other groups, they really can't stop with the white and asian males. They'll have to kill all whites and asians -- females too! -- to make room for the oppressed.

Who knows? Maybe they'll actually come up with heretofore unconsidered "merit-based" factors that contribute to success. But only after they re-define "merit" and "success". A small price to pay to achieve "diversity."


Anonymous said...

Black Rednecks and White Liberals.
Hmm. I'm sorry. But shouldn't that be UNDERLINED!?!?!?
Perhaps you were the recipient of affirmative action. You clearly are not well versed in the ways of the English language. Which is a pity... since you seem to have so much to say.

Kallicles said...

Your only comment is about my failure to underline the title of a book?!? I must be losing my touch. I don't suppose you have any thoughts about the substance?

Anonymous said...

substance? hmmm? sorry?? you talkin' to me....? rilly?

heartinsanfrancisco said...

So lawyers will no longer have to depend upon an understanding of the law and the ability to interpret it persuasively, but will be successful or not according to certain personal qualities yet to be defined?

Why even GO to law school, then? Such a waste of three years in which they could be developing skills that are actually useful.

It must have been hard for you to pass on those two credits of home-study. "Elimination of bias" would make a really cool bumper sticker, though.

The Geezers said...

You'd be slightly scary, except for one thing....

A guy who lists his favorite recording artists as Meatloaf and Billy Idol isn't going to be taken very seriously by anyone.

At some point, you really are going to need to give up your bitterness, friend.

I mean really. I'm a middle-class, middle age white guy, and no, I sure as hell don't resent the fact that African Americans and Hispanics, historically shorted by our public school system, get a chance at least to prove themselves. C'mon, how insecure are you, anyway?

Strange how only white guys who bitch about this stuff are the ones who have failed.

Anonymous said...

Good fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement
